Welcome to MCD Advocate

We, MCD Advocates are full service and independent Law Firm dedicated for providing legal services to our domestic and international clients which includes Individuals, Public, Private and Multinational Companies, PSUs and other corporate entities, across the Country.

Litigation, Corporate Advisory and Arbitration (ADR) are our key areas of practice.

Core Practice Areas


The major source of revenue of financial Institutions and Banks is the interest that they obtain from the debtors against the Loan/credit that they give to them.


The Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993 (RDB Act) provides speedy redressal to lenders and borrowers through filing of Original Applications (OAs) in Debts Recovery Tribunals


Before 2016 the matters related to disputes between companies relating to civil matters used to be adjudicate by the company law board, BIFR, AAFIR and high court.


A will is a legal document/declaration by which a person, the TESTATOR, expresses his wishes as to how his property should be distributed after his death.